In 2020, more and more people are taking up blogging as an additional source of income. And with the rise in popularity comes the questions: Can you really make a living off blogging?

The answer is yes…and no. It depends on a variety of factors like your niche, how often you post, what types of content you produce and even luck! Here we’ll explore some tips to help increase your chances of success if you decide to take the plunge into making money from bloggining.

First things first – pick a niche that interests YOU! You need to be passionate about this subject or else it won’t last long-term. If there are already established bloggers in your chosen field then don't let that discourage–instead use them for inspiration for how far one can go with their blog by following their advice or replicating some aspects of their branding style/strategy etc..

Look at what other successful bloggers have done - follow them on social media platforms such as Twitter/Instagram etc., read through blogs they write regularly so see what type posts work well (this could give ideas for future posts). Also look at which topics get good engagement levels so readers know they're interested in reading more similar content too! This helps build credibility & trustworthiness amongst potential sponsors who might want advertising space on your site afterwards – something which will offer financial support over time when combined together correctly across multiple streams such as affiliate marketing links & sponsored placements within articles written specifically around certain products or services being promoted (these provide good revenue!).

Once these basics have been sorted out then start building an audience base using SEO friendly methods such as optimizing titles/headings relevant keywords related backlinks; also target influencers who may be willing share traffic towards site via mentions within tweets comments sections YouTube videos etc...These all help boost visibility online thereby increasing numbers viewing page each day which ultimately translates into higher page views per month = increased chance earning money from adverts displayed alongside content itself!. Finally remember create quality not quantity - stick few key topics focus instead spreading yourself thin trying cover everything under sun; this way readers feel like getting valuable information every time come back visit again :)

Nathan Page
Nathan Page
Tech guru

A tech enthusiast and lifelong learner with a passion for all things design, marketing, and technology.