Eating healthy can be difficult and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. Meal prep is a great way to ensure you are always eating nutritious meals while taking the hassle out of cooking each day. In this guide we will cover everything from organizing your kitchen for success, putting together an efficient grocery list that won't break the bank, tips on portion sizes/serving size guides and helpful recipes to get started with meal prepping today!

Organizing Your Kitchen

To start off right follow these steps:

  • Clear counter space so you have plenty room to move around when preparing ingredients or storing food items;
  • keep all your spices in one area like upper cabinets instead of scatter them throughout different areas.. This will make things easier access during preparation.
  • Keep any larger appliances (blenders) near outlets if possible as well so they don’t need dragged across every time use them.
  • Having organized drawers where utensils belong also makes mealtime go more smoothly without searching for missing tools every few minutes!.
  • Don't forget about proper storage containers too- having reusable glass jars work best since plastic tends hold odors after some uses which affects flavors; metal ones should only used bake goods due potential rusting over long periods sitting watery sauces etc…
  • Be sure label contents remove confusion later down line what's inside before freezing or refrigeration period begins saving even MORE TIME .                   
    ↑ Tip – Label ALL ingredient components using postit notes & sharpie markers beforehand.                                                                  

Pro tip

Use whiteboard markers to plan your menu for the week, and add some flair with color-coded magnets. And if you're in a recipe rut, the internet is overflowing with food bloggers ready to help you discover a world of culinary possibilities. Don't forget to add the finishing touches to your dishes before serving and bask in the admiration of your guests. Plus, don't underestimate the importance of appreciation from your friends and family for your meal prep efforts. Happy preppin!🙂​​​​

Jane Ellis
Jane Ellis
Content Curator

Passionate about fitness, design, exercise, and cooking. She writes to inspire and inform drawing from personal experience.